
There are lot of views on whether and when to use pacifiers (we did, starting at about 2 weeks, and it worked as advertised: pacifier!).

As for pacifiers themselves, there are these things called WubbaNubs that are pretty popular because they have a small stuffed animal attached to them and it makes it easier for the baby to hold on to it and keep it in his/her mouth. The weight of the stuffed animal also helps the pacifier stay in place while the baby is laying down. We generally stuck with pacifiers with orthodontic nipples (NukDr. Brown's). At the hospital they usually give out Avent Soothies (same kind as attached to the Wubbanub). Note that there are different sizes (0-3 months, 3+ months, 6+ months) and they do matter.

If your baby uses pacifiers, I love this Skip Hop Pocket for storing them on the go. It has a convenient snap strap that can clip into a carrier, bag, stroller, anything. Without a dedicated pacifier pocket, your pacifier will quickly get gross in a random pocket or corner of a bag.