
We used bibs for all bottle feeds (babies aren't great at keeping everything in their mouths, so there's a lot of dribble/overflow) and we also kept bibs on after feedings to catch spit-up. I recommend getting some cute/soft ones for the first six months or so, when they only drink milk or formula (i.e., white substances that won't stain). Once they eat solids, you want something more stain resistant (I like Bumkins, but lots of people are into these Baby Bjorn bibs with a more structured pocket to catch fallen bites). Aden + Anais Burpy Bibs are a neat combo bib-burp cloth that wraps around like a cape. Another big trend in the bib world are bandana bibs like these ones from Copper Pearl or these ones from Aden + Anais. In terms of quantity, that's highly dependent on your child's proclivity to spit up and/or how much they drool when they are getting new teeth. We had a spitter upper and a drooler, so we ended up needing 4-6 a day.